Comma Butterfly
Close up of Comma under-wing.
Hello and welcome to my Photo Blog! My subjects are mainly centered on nature - all the wonderful plants, animals and everything else that make up this wonderful world of ours. I am also interested in architecture, religion and people as topics for my photos. This site also documents the sites i have seen and the places i have been on during my travels around the world. All images featured here are available for download in 1080p resolution or equivalent. They are also available at a higher resolution with the watermark removed. Please contact me if you are interested. I hope you enjoy your stay,
Close up of Comma under-wing.
Large White butterfly showing off his veined wings in sunlight
The blackberry gives a good indication of how small this little blue butterfly actually is!
Chatty, Friendly, Thoughtful, Eccentric
Really tricky shot to get, I had to be patient and wait for him to stop moving, which he did eventually! Will …
Female Common Darter clinging to a dead flower and looking up.
…on the River Medway
Fallen trees in the woods – over the years the trunks have grown horizontally along the ground and the branches upwards to …