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Animals, Page 4

A collection of photos and picture galleries of various animals – high quality and high detail photographs of birds, cats, dogs, insects, spiders and anything else that can move and breathe. What is animal? It is essentially a living organism which feeds on organic matter. It usually has specialized sense organs such as eyes and ears and a nervous system with which it is able to respond rapidly to stimuli from its surrounding, external environment. The word animal is derived from the latin ‘anima’ which means soul or breath, so one could also argue that any animal must also have a ‘soul’ of some kind.

backlit seagull


A selection of high quality seagull images from various locations around the uk.

side with eye

European Peacock Butterfly

A selection of images showing the Peacock Butterfly. This is the European Peacock of the genus Aglias Io as opposed to the …

afternoon sun catching white neck hair of pony

Gypsy Ponies in the Evening Sun

Selection of photos of ponies taken at sunset as the sun was disappearing. The animals were grazing in a field near Paddock …

seethrough fish

Austin’s Fishtank

The results of a trip to Austin’s flat, where i came upon a large tank of freshwater fish swimming about happily. They …

casting shadow

Flower and Fly

Shots of a some kind of fly on a yellow flower. I could not identify the fly, maybe it is some form …

plastic light pattern and marmalade fly

Hoverfly and Light

One hot summer evening plus a large kitchen light shining its goodness plus a nearby open window equals at least one insect …

tatty red admiral in dappled light

Red Admiral

A collection of various red admiral butterfly photos. The species’ Latin name is Vanessa Atalanta ( Vanessa means “butterfly” in Greek and …

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